
i don’t like my brother.

i really don’t like my brother.

I think he suffers from paranoia. Or a substance-induced paranoia.

He’s a real sh*tter.

But I came not to dwell on my brother, I came to try and hold what so deeply strikes me.

I feel Total Loss™

I feel like I was so close to achieving stability, to getting out of debt, to feeling okay—all to have it ripped away, because of someone’s dogma. It’s truly, truly cruel.

I think it’s that, that makes me sad. unflichingly sad.

I’m sad because I feel paralyzed. I feel so close to having what I need, to having some life-saving serum, but being a hair outside of reach.

It feels like a gut punch, like an abcess.

I feel hopeless.

I know I have reason to have hope, but man.

It’s all just so unkind.

Wednesday, February 12th, 2025 12:04a


it sears,

feels like burning

I’m on r/legaladvice, and they’re suggesting I get an attorney to establish a signature date.

It just felt like we were so close. So close to there being some peeking glimmer from this boschian hellscape.

What are you going to do.

I feel haggardly. I feel deadened. I feel betrayed.

I feel like i’m dealing with someone without a full deck.


before me are two ceramic cups

one contains sparkling water, the other contains tea.

My grandmother suggested it as decongestant,

My wife brewed the tea.

Jason is alone in a rat’s nest.

I win.

(ha ha).

You know one time I went to Sweet Republic and their featured ice cream was blue cheese. I thought, “there’s no way they could sell something that sounds this vomit-inducing without it being exceptionally good—no company would take that risk”. So I asked for a sample. It tasted like the lovely mystery juice sometimes appearing beneath a bag of trash as you lift it out of the receptacle.

That’s Jason.

I had every indication to assess him as I should, but I went against my better judgement and gave him the benefit of the doubt. I took the risk.

Pure, grade-A trash juice.

I’ve been letting a lot fall apart

I don’t think I have the grip for it anymore

I’m tired and sunned

maybe it’s a week of staying up until 3.

34 days in Brick City